One of the most fun first birthday shoots ever? Check. One of the cutest babies ever? Check. One of the most gorgeous locations ever? Check! Heart eyes all day!!! 😍😍😍
This shoot was so amazing. Baby Hannah is turning one and her Aunt Carrie wanted to do a surprise shoot for her sister (Hannah’s Mom). Unfortunately, due to timing, Carrie had to ruin the surprise and tell her sister… but I think she loved the gift even more being able to attend!
Let me start with the house: designed by Hannah’s Dad at Brejnik Fine Homes, this place was a photographer’s dream. With beautiful furniture and tons of natural light in all rooms, there wasn’t a bad place to take a photo. Throw an adorable one-year-old into the mix, and well… you get the picture.
Rather than the usual cake-smash, Carrie wanted to do something a little different, so we opted for confetti, a bowl of sprinkles and a few other little desserts. Hannah was so unsure of the bowl of sprinkles, which was totally adorable (see below).
Check out some of my favourites from this awesome First Birthday shoot (I maaay have gone a little overboard with how many I posted… can you blame me?)
Jo 🙂